Creating harmonised pseudo-Output Areas

for the 2001, 2011 & 2021 Censuses (England and Wales)


Rich Harris


December 6, 2022

Please cite as

Harris R (2022) Creating harmonised pseudo-Output Areas for the 2001, 2011 & 2021 Censuses (England and Wales).

The resulting files can be downloaded from


One of the great step forwards from the 2001 Census onwards was the use of statistical Output Areas (OAs) at the most granular scale that are kept as consistent as possible from one census to the next. However, a few do change so, to make analysing change over time a little easier, we can lightly aggregate them into a consistent set of pseudo-OAs that have the same geography for each census. In many cases the pseudo-OA and the actual OAs will be the same but in some neighbouring OAs will be merged together.

Source data

The key to it all are the following lookup files:


They show which OAs are modified or stay the same from one census to the next. We can begin by reading them into R, joining them together, and tidying them up a little:


  showProgress = FALSE,
  select = c(1: 4)) |>
  as_tibble() |>
    showProgress = FALSE,
    select = c(1: 5)) |>
    by = "OA11CD") |>
  rename(CHG11 = CHGIND, CHG21 = CHNGIND) |>
  mutate(CHG21 = ifelse(CHG21 == "x", "X", CHG21)) -> df

What we obtain is a data file, df, which shows all the ‘connections’ between Output Areas from the 2001 Census, OA01CD, to the 2011 Census, OA11CD, to the 2021 Census, OA21CD. For example, OA E00000001 is unchanged (“U”) across censuses, whereas E00000004 is merged (“M”) into E00166758 for 2011 but split (“S”) into OAs that include E00190429 in 2021:

df |>
  filter(OA01CD == "E00000001")
# A tibble: 1 × 8
  OA01CD    OA01CDO    OA11CD    CHG11 OA21CD    CHG21 LAD22CD   LAD22NM       
  <chr>     <chr>      <chr>     <chr> <chr>     <chr> <chr>     <chr>         
1 E00000001 00AAFA0001 E00000001 U     E00000001 U     E09000001 City of London
df |>
  filter(OA01CD == "E00000004")
# A tibble: 2 × 8
  OA01CD    OA01CDO    OA11CD    CHG11 OA21CD    CHG21 LAD22CD   LAD22NM       
  <chr>     <chr>      <chr>     <chr> <chr>     <chr> <chr>     <chr>         
1 E00000004 00AAFA0004 E00166758 M     E00190429 S     E09000001 City of London
2 E00000004 00AAFA0004 E00166758 M     E00190433 S     E09000001 City of London

The extra OA01CDO arises because the original 2001 Census Output Area codes were recoded prior to 2011. OA01CDO are the original codes, OA01CD are what they became.

Stage 1

Imagine an Output Area, X, from one census is split into Y and Z for the next. That means X, Y and Z are all connected, where X is the parent of Y and Z. Alternatively, imagine X and Y from one census are merged into Z for the next. They are still all connected but, in the second case, Z is the parent of X and Y. Applying similar logic allows a consistent OA code, OAXXCD, to be applied to the majority of cases in the data file, df.

df |>
  mutate(OAXXCD = NA) |>
  mutate(OAXXCD = ifelse(CHG11 == "U" & CHG21 == "U", OA21CD, OAXXCD)) |>
  mutate(OAXXCD = ifelse(CHG11 == "M" & CHG21 == "U", OA21CD, OAXXCD)) |> 
  mutate(OAXXCD = ifelse(CHG11 == "S" & CHG21 == "U", OA01CD, OAXXCD)) |> 
  mutate(OAXXCD = ifelse(CHG11 == "U" & CHG21 == "M", OA21CD, OAXXCD)) |>  
  mutate(OAXXCD = ifelse(CHG11 == "U" & CHG21 == "S", OA11CD, OAXXCD)) |> 
  mutate(OAXXCD = ifelse(CHG11 == "S" & CHG21 == "S", OA01CD, OAXXCD)) |> 
  mutate(OAXXCD = ifelse(CHG11 == "M" & CHG21 == "M", OA21CD, OAXXCD)) |> 
  mutate(OAXXCD = ifelse(CHG11 == "M" & CHG21 == "S", OA11CD, OAXXCD)) -> df

However, there are some cases that cannot be resolved in this way, of which some are,

df |>
# A tibble: 1,146 × 9
   OA01CD    OA01CDO    OA11CD    CHG11 OA21CD    CHG21 LAD22CD   LAD22NM OAXXCD
   <chr>     <chr>      <chr>     <chr> <chr>     <chr> <chr>     <chr>   <chr> 
 1 E00000233 00ABGD0001 E00175112 S     E00185671 M     E09000002 Barkin… <NA>  
 2 E00000105 00ABFZ0005 E00165805 X     E00165805 U     E09000002 Barkin… <NA>  
 3 E00000729 00ACGA0007 E00000729 U     E00178723 X     E09000003 Barnet  <NA>  
 4 E00000731 00ACGA0009 E00000731 U     E00178723 X     E09000003 Barnet  <NA>  
 5 E00000731 00ACGA0009 E00000731 U     E00178889 X     E09000003 Barnet  <NA>  
 6 E00000731 00ACGA0009 E00000731 U     E00178893 X     E09000003 Barnet  <NA>  
 7 E00000733 00ACGA0011 E00000733 U     E00178724 X     E09000003 Barnet  <NA>  
 8 E00000733 00ACGA0011 E00000733 U     E00178891 X     E09000003 Barnet  <NA>  
 9 E00000733 00ACGA0011 E00000733 U     E00178892 X     E09000003 Barnet  <NA>  
10 E00000734 00ACGA0012 E00000734 U     E00178724 X     E09000003 Barnet  <NA>  
# … with 1,136 more rows

They arise in the following circumstances,

df |>
  filter( |>
  select(CHG11, CHG21) |>
  group_by(CHG11, CHG21) |>
  summarise(n = n()) |>
  print(n = Inf)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'CHG11'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 9 × 3
# Groups:   CHG11 [5]
  CHG11 CHG21     n
  <chr> <chr> <int>
1 M     X        24
2 S     M       456
3 S     X       140
4 U     X       246
5 X     S        14
6 X     U       209
7 <NA>  M         4
8 <NA>  S        15
9 <NA>  U        38

They are very few of them – only r length(which($OAXXCD)))` of 190743 entries in the file – but it is good to resolve them.

Stage 2

A small number of the cases that have yet to be resolved arise because there is no connection between the 2001 Census codes and the 2011 Census ones:

df |>
# A tibble: 57 × 9
   OA01CD OA01CDO OA11CD    CHG11 OA21CD    CHG21 LAD22CD   LAD22NM       OAXXCD
   <chr>  <chr>   <chr>     <chr> <chr>     <chr> <chr>     <chr>         <chr> 
 1 <NA>   <NA>    E00165720 <NA>  E00165720 U     E08000012 Liverpool     <NA>  
 2 <NA>   <NA>    E00165673 <NA>  E00165673 U     E08000035 Leeds         <NA>  
 3 <NA>   <NA>    E00165738 <NA>  E00165738 U     E07000245 West Suffolk  <NA>  
 4 <NA>   <NA>    E00165746 <NA>  E00165746 U     E08000026 Coventry      <NA>  
 5 <NA>   <NA>    E00165758 <NA>  E00165758 U     E08000012 Liverpool     <NA>  
 6 <NA>   <NA>    E00165767 <NA>  E00165767 U     E06000003 Redcar and C… <NA>  
 7 <NA>   <NA>    E00165770 <NA>  E00165770 U     E06000003 Redcar and C… <NA>  
 8 <NA>   <NA>    E00165773 <NA>  E00188170 M     E06000003 Redcar and C… <NA>  
 9 <NA>   <NA>    E00165703 <NA>  E00165703 U     E06000007 Warrington    <NA>  
10 <NA>   <NA>    E00165705 <NA>  E00165705 U     E06000007 Warrington    <NA>  
# … with 47 more rows

I will resolve this through proximity matching. Specifically, by giving the population weighted centroid of OA11CD a holding OA01CD of the nearest population weighted centroid from 2001. The population weighted centroids are available from and from


read_csv("") |>
  select(X, Y, oa01cd) |>
  rename(OA01CD = oa01cd) -> pts01

read_csv("") |>
  select(X, Y, OA11CD) |>
  semi_join(df |> filter(, by = "OA11CD") -> pts11

i <- nn2(data = pts01 |> select(-OA01CD),
         query = pts11 |> select(-OA11CD),
         k = 1)$nn.idx[,1]

          data.frame(OA11CD = pts11$OA11CD, nearest = pts01$OA01CD[i]),
          by = "OA11CD")  |>
  mutate(OA01CD = ifelse(!, nearest, OA01CD)) |>
  select(-nearest) -> df

Note that whilst all the cases where have now been given a holding OA01CD, the OAXXCD has yet to be assigned. That will be included in the next stage.

df |>
  filter( |>
  select(OA01CD, CHG11, OAXXCD)
# A tibble: 57 × 3
   <chr>     <chr> <chr> 
 1 E00033058 <NA>  <NA>  
 2 E00056821 <NA>  <NA>  
 3 E00152565 <NA>  <NA>  
 4 E00048351 <NA>  <NA>  
 5 E00032881 <NA>  <NA>  
 6 E00061137 <NA>  <NA>  
 7 E00061229 <NA>  <NA>  
 8 E00061071 <NA>  <NA>  
 9 E00063383 <NA>  <NA>  
10 E00063066 <NA>  <NA>  
# … with 47 more rows

Stage 3

The next stage is best illustrated with an example. The Output Area E00000233 has yet to be assigned an OAXXCD because of how it has been split but subsequently merged in successive censuses:

df |>
  filter( |>
  select(OA01CD, OA11CD, OA21CD, OAXXCD, CHG11, CHG21) |>
  slice(n = 1)
# A tibble: 1 × 6
  OA01CD    OA11CD    OA21CD    OAXXCD CHG11 CHG21
  <chr>     <chr>     <chr>     <chr>  <chr> <chr>
1 E00000233 E00175112 E00185671 <NA>   S     M    

What we need to do is find every output area that is connected to E00000233 through any of the censuses. An initial search reveals,

df |>
  filter( |>
  slice(n = 1) -> search

df |>
  filter(OA01CD %in% search$OA01CD |
         OA11CD %in% search$OA11CD |
         OA21CD %in% search$OA21CD) -> found
# A tibble: 8 × 9
  OA01CD    OA01CDO    OA11CD    CHG11 OA21CD    CHG21 LAD22CD   LAD22NM  OAXXCD
  <chr>     <chr>      <chr>     <chr> <chr>     <chr> <chr>     <chr>    <chr> 
1 E00000233 00ABGD0001 E00175110 S     E00175110 U     E09000002 Barking… E0000…
2 E00000233 00ABGD0001 E00175111 S     E00185716 S     E09000002 Barking… E0000…
3 E00000233 00ABGD0001 E00175111 S     E00185773 S     E09000002 Barking… E0000…
4 E00000233 00ABGD0001 E00175111 S     E00185814 S     E09000002 Barking… E0000…
5 E00000233 00ABGD0001 E00175112 S     E00185671 M     E09000002 Barking… <NA>  
6 E00000233 00ABGD0001 E00175121 S     E00175121 U     E09000002 Barking… E0000…
7 E00000233 00ABGD0001 E00175122 S     E00175122 U     E09000002 Barking… E0000…
8 E00000242 00ABGD0010 E00000242 U     E00185671 M     E09000002 Barking… E0018…

But we also need to check for the the connections of the connections and so forth, recursively, until no more are found:

n <- nrow(found)
n.previous <- 0

while(n > n.previous) {
  n.previous <- n
  search <- found
  df |>
    filter(OA01CD %in% search$OA01CD |
           OA11CD %in% search$OA11CD |
           OA21CD %in% search$OA21CD) -> found 
  n <- nrow(found)

Once this is done, all of the connected output areas can be assigned the same identifying OAXXCD.

df |>
  mutate(OAXXCD = ifelse(OA01CD %in% found$OA01CD |
                         OA11CD %in% found$OA11CD |
                         OA21CD %in% found$OA21CD,
                         OAXXCD)) -> df

This whole process now needs to be repeated for every instance of where until they are all exhausted, which will take a few minutes to complete.

while(nrow(df |> filter( > 0) {

  df |>
    filter( |>
    slice(n = 1) -> found

  n <- nrow(found)
  n.previous <- 0

  while(n > n.previous) {
    n.previous <- n
    search <- found
    df |>
      filter(OA01CD %in% search$OA01CD |
           OA11CD %in% search$OA11CD |
           OA21CD %in% search$OA21CD) -> found
    n <- nrow(found)
  df |>
    mutate(OAXXCD = ifelse(OA01CD %in% found$OA01CD |
                           OA11CD %in% found$OA11CD |
                           OA21CD %in% found$OA21CD,
                           OAXXCD)) -> df


The end result is that all of the Output Areas from each of the censuses are now assigned to one of 174363 unique pseudo-OAs, each with its own OAXXCD.

# A tibble: 190,743 × 9
   OA01CD    OA01CDO    OA11CD    CHG11 OA21CD    CHG21 LAD22CD   LAD22NM OAXXCD
   <chr>     <chr>      <chr>     <chr> <chr>     <chr> <chr>     <chr>   <chr> 
 1 E00000001 00AAFA0001 E00000001 U     E00000001 U     E09000001 City o… E0000…
 2 E00000051 00ABFX0015 E00000051 U     E00000051 U     E09000002 Barkin… E0000…
 3 E00000002 00AAFA0002 E00166756 M     E00166756 U     E09000001 City o… E0016…
 4 E00000003 00AAFA0003 E00000003 U     E00000003 U     E09000001 City o… E0000…
 5 E00000004 00AAFA0004 E00166758 M     E00190429 S     E09000001 City o… E0016…
 6 E00000004 00AAFA0004 E00166758 M     E00190433 S     E09000001 City o… E0016…
 7 E00000005 00AAFA0005 E00000005 U     E00000005 U     E09000001 City o… E0000…
 8 E00000006 00AAFA0006 E00166758 M     E00190429 S     E09000001 City o… E0016…
 9 E00000006 00AAFA0006 E00166758 M     E00190433 S     E09000001 City o… E0016…
10 E00000007 00AAFA0007 E00000007 U     E00000007 U     E09000001 City o… E0000…
# … with 190,733 more rows
[1] 174363


These pseudo-OAs are a light aggregation of the 175434 2001 Census, 181408 2011 Census, and 188880 2021 Census Output Areas. The OAXXCD that have been assigned to them are a combination of various OA01CD, OA11CD and OA21CD codes. To avoid confusion, it may be better to replace those with custom numbered identifiers:

df |>
  arrange(OA01CD) -> df

df |>
  select(OAXXCD) |>
  filter(!duplicated(OAXXCD)) -> gps
data.frame(OAXXCD = gps$OAXXCD, i = 1: nrow(gps)) -> gps
df |>
  left_join(gps, by = "OAXXCD") |>
  mutate(i = str_pad(i, width = 7, pad = "0")) |>
  mutate(OAXXCD = paste0("X", i, substr(OAXXCD, 1, 1))) |>
  select(-i) -> df

We should also reset the OA01CD for those based on spatial proximity back to their original NA value.

df |>
  mutate(OA01CD = ifelse(, NA, OA01CD)) -> df

Look-up files

We are now in a position to save the look-up files.

df |>
df |>
  select(OA01CDO, OA01CD, OAXXCD) |>
  unique(na.rm = TRUE) |>
  arrange(OA01CD) |>
df |>
  select(OA11CD, OAXXCD) |>
  unique(na.rm = TRUE) |>
  arrange(OA11CD) |>
df |>
  select(OA21CD, OAXXCD) |>
  unique(na.rm = TRUE) |>
  arrange(OA21CD) |>

Higher-level geographies

It is helpful to know which higher-level geographies the pseudo-OAs fall within. Some of the various that could be used include MSOAs and their ‘friendly names’ (available from the House of Commons Library), local authority districts, and regions. We begin by matching these geographies to the 2021 Census OA geography and adding in their residential population counts from census table TS021, which are needed in the next step.

  left_join(df |>
    select(OAXXCD, OA21CD, LAD22CD, LAD22NM),
             progress = FALSE,
             col_select = c(1, 4)) |>
    rename(OA21CD = 1, MSOA21CD = 2), by = "OA21CD") |>
  left_join(read_csv("", progress = FALSE,
              col_select = c(1, 4)) |>
    rename(MSOA21CD = 1, MSOA21NM = 2), by = "MSOA21CD") |>
  left_join(read_csv("", col_select = 1:3) |>
    rename(OA21CD = 1, RGN21CD = 2, RGN21NM = 3), by = "OA21CD") |> 
              progress = FALSE,
              col_select = c(1, 5)) |>
    rename(OA21CD = 1, Popn = 2) |>
    group_by(OA21CD) |>
    summarise(Popn = sum(Popn)) |>
    ungroup(), by = "OA21CD") -> geography

# A tibble: 190,743 × 9
   <chr>     <chr>     <chr>     <chr>   <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   <chr>   <dbl>
 1 X0000001E E00000001 E09000001 City o… E020000… City of… E12000… London    176
 2 X0000002E E00166756 E09000001 City o… E020000… City of… E12000… London    279
 3 X0000003E E00000003 E09000001 City o… E020000… City of… E12000… London    255
 4 X0000004E E00190429 E09000001 City o… E020000… City of… E12000… London    281
 5 X0000004E E00190433 E09000001 City o… E020000… City of… E12000… London    226
 6 X0000005E E00000005 E09000001 City o… E020000… City of… E12000… London    112
 7 X0000004E E00190429 E09000001 City o… E020000… City of… E12000… London    281
 8 X0000004E E00190433 E09000001 City o… E020000… City of… E12000… London    226
 9 X0000006E E00000007 E09000001 City o… E020000… City of… E12000… London    144
10 X0000002E E00166756 E09000001 City o… E020000… City of… E12000… London    279
# … with 190,733 more rows

There is no guarantee that the pseudo-OAs will all fit exactly into the higher-level geographies, although most map exactly to 2021 Census OAs and will. For the ones that don’t, they are assigned the best fit, where best fit is defined by weight of population:

geography |>
  select(OAXXCD, MSOA21CD, MSOA21NM,
         LAD22CD, LAD22NM,
         RGN21CD, RGN21NM, Popn) |>
  unique() -> geography

geography |>
  group_by(OAXXCD) |>
  summarise(Popn = sum(Popn), .groups = "keep") |>
  left_join(geography |>
    group_by(OAXXCD, MSOA21CD, MSOA21NM) |>
    summarise(Popn = sum(Popn), .groups = "keep") |>
    group_by(OAXXCD) |>
    arrange(OAXXCD, desc(Popn)) |>
    select(-Popn) |>
    slice(1) |>
    ungroup(), by = "OAXXCD") |>
  left_join(geography |>
    group_by(OAXXCD, LAD22CD, LAD22NM) |>
    summarise(Popn = sum(Popn), .groups = "keep") |>
    group_by(OAXXCD) |>
    arrange(OAXXCD, desc(Popn)) |>
    select(-Popn) |>
    slice(1) |>
    ungroup(), by = "OAXXCD") |>
  left_join(geography |>
    group_by(OAXXCD, RGN21CD, RGN21NM) |>
    summarise(Popn = sum(Popn), .groups = "keep") |>
    group_by(OAXXCD) |>
    arrange(OAXXCD, desc(Popn)) |>
    select(-Popn) |>
    slice(1) |>
    ungroup(), by = "OAXXCD") |>
  select(OAXXCD, Popn, MSOA21CD, MSOA21NM, LAD22CD, LAD22NM,
         RGN21CD, RGN21NM) -> geography

geography |>

# A tibble: 174,363 × 8
# Groups:   OAXXCD [174,363]
   OAXXCD     Popn MSOA21CD  MSOA21NM       LAD22CD   LAD22NM    RGN21CD RGN21NM
   <chr>     <dbl> <chr>     <chr>          <chr>     <chr>      <chr>   <chr>  
 1 X0000001E   176 E02000001 City of London E09000001 City of L… E12000… London 
 2 X0000002E   279 E02000001 City of London E09000001 City of L… E12000… London 
 3 X0000003E   255 E02000001 City of London E09000001 City of L… E12000… London 
 4 X0000004E   507 E02000001 City of London E09000001 City of L… E12000… London 
 5 X0000005E   112 E02000001 City of London E09000001 City of L… E12000… London 
 6 X0000006E   144 E02000001 City of London E09000001 City of L… E12000… London 
 7 X0000007E   348 E02000001 City of London E09000001 City of L… E12000… London 
 8 X0000008E   175 E02000001 City of London E09000001 City of L… E12000… London 
 9 X0000009E   503 E02000001 City of London E09000001 City of L… E12000… London 
10 X0000010E   255 E02000001 City of London E09000001 City of L… E12000… London 
# … with 174,353 more rows

Boundary file for the pseudo-OAs

To map the pseudo-OAs, we will create a boundary file for them, based on the 2021 Census OA boundaries. We begin by loading in those boundaries and appending the OAXXCD codes.

st_read("") |>
  left_join(df |> select(OAXXCD, OA21CD) |> unique(), by = "OA21CD") -> map
Reading layer `OA_2021_EW_BGC' from data source 
  using driver `GeoJSON'
Simple feature collection with 188880 features and 5 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -6.418667 ymin: 49.86479 xmax: 1.763706 ymax: 55.81112
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
Simple feature collection with 188880 features and 6 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -6.418667 ymin: 49.86479 xmax: 1.763706 ymax: 55.81112
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
First 10 features:
   OBJECTID    OA21CD                               GlobalID SHAPE_Length
1         1 E00000001 {BC5EB21B-D42B-4715-A771-2C27575A08F0}  0.005263040
2         2 E00000003 {A1A2B34F-320E-4BB8-ACB4-7CA7CA16EF9C}  0.003439877
3         3 E00000005 {9337DA1A-FE0F-4210-9C95-ED2D20FD6287}  0.004284711
4         4 E00000007 {B336E11F-AF26-48A6-AC67-44F5B8B8840A}  0.016351659
5         5 E00000010 {CA8F9874-CDF5-4C1A-9D39-F74A410DAE44}  0.002386808
6         6 E00000013 {B9B93246-BBFB-46AF-8011-6B8ED5908956}  0.005347143
7         7 E00000018 {FCB7C232-4165-44DA-8FF8-B6CC383B528A}  0.012839007
8         8 E00000019 {715E0851-2375-4D6A-94AC-532BA0833C60}  0.007299853
9         9 E00000020 {4251A2FF-8FBE-4C11-AECE-044F23AB9AF2}  0.004090582
10       10 E00000021 {48B2DF49-45ED-48A4-B7FC-E0E32C1AD088}  0.025416295
     SHAPE_Area    OAXXCD                       geometry
1  9.001827e-07 X0000001E MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.09447861...
2  5.819360e-07 X0000003E MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.09576465...
3  1.109536e-06 X0000005E MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.09627474...
4  9.843568e-06 X0000006E MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.09600549...
5  2.724187e-07 X0000008E MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.09688753...
6  1.138881e-06 X0000011E MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.09525163...
7  6.407396e-06 X0000013E MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.0924986 ...
8  1.524146e-06 X0000014E MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.08991936...
9  7.621724e-07 X0000015E MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.09147971...
10 1.786263e-05 X0000016E MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.08810299...

The next step is to aggregate the 2021 Census OAs to the pseudo-OA geography.

aggregate(map |> select(OAXXCD), by = list(map$OAXXCD), FUN = length) |>
  rename(OAXXCD = 1, nOA21 = 2) -> map

Simple feature collection with 174363 features and 2 fields
Attribute-geometry relationship: 0 constant, 1 aggregate, 1 identity
Geometry type: GEOMETRY
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -6.418667 ymin: 49.86479 xmax: 1.763706 ymax: 55.81112
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
First 10 features:
      OAXXCD nOA21                       geometry
1  X0000001E     1 POLYGON ((-0.09447861 51.51...
2  X0000002E     1 POLYGON ((-0.09725971 51.52...
3  X0000003E     1 POLYGON ((-0.09576465 51.52...
4  X0000004E     2 POLYGON ((-0.09505768 51.51...
5  X0000005E     1 POLYGON ((-0.09627474 51.51...
6  X0000006E     1 POLYGON ((-0.09600549 51.51...
7  X0000007E     1 POLYGON ((-0.08020353 51.52...
8  X0000008E     1 POLYGON ((-0.09688753 51.52...
9  X0000009E     2 POLYGON ((-0.0940139 51.521...
10 X0000010E     1 POLYGON ((-0.09635707 51.52...

Then to append the higher-level geographies.

map |>
  left_join(geography, by = "OAXXCD") -> map

And save the file:

map |>
  st_write(dsn = "OAXXCD_Boundaries_Generalised_Clipped_EW.geojson")
Writing layer `OAXXCD_Boundaries_Generalised_Clipped_EW' to data source 
  `OAXXCD_Boundaries_Generalised_Clipped_EW.geojson' using driver `GeoJSON'
Writing 174363 features with 9 fields and geometry type Unknown (any).
map |>
  st_write(dsn = "OAXXCD_Boundaries_Generalised_Clipped_EW.shp")
Writing layer `OAXXCD_Boundaries_Generalised_Clipped_EW' to data source 
  `OAXXCD_Boundaries_Generalised_Clipped_EW.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Writing 174363 features with 9 fields and geometry type Unknown (any).
Warning in CPL_write_ogr(obj, dsn, layer, driver,
as.character(dataset_options), : GDAL Message 1: One or several characters
couldn't be converted correctly from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1. This warning will not
be emitted anymore.

Here are the consistent pseudo-OAs for London.

map |>
  filter(RGN21NM == "London") |>
  ggplot() +

Creating census counts for the pseudo-OAs

The following file is sourced from 2001 Census data and gives counts of the various ethnic groups per 2001 Census Output Area.

# A tibble: 175,434 × 15
   OA01CD    Persons.01 WBRI.01 WIRI.01 WOTH.01 INDN.01 PKST.01 BANG.01 AOTH.01
   <chr>          <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 E00000001        215     170       4      28      10       0       0       0
 2 E00000002        101      70       3      19       3       0       0       0
 3 E00000003        207     166       0      23       8       0       3       0
 4 E00000004        278     227       6      29       4       0       0       0
 5 E00000005        234     175       9      24      16       0       0       0
 6 E00000006        221     184       8      20       3       0       0       3
 7 E00000007        168      91       9      42       3       0       0       0
 8 E00000008        169     111       3      30       8       3       0       0
 9 E00000009        104      67       9      22       0       3       0       0
10 E00000010        134     106       4       9       0       0       0       3
# … with 175,424 more rows, and 6 more variables: BCAR.01 <dbl>, BAFR.01 <dbl>,
#   BOTH.01 <dbl>, CHNE.01 <dbl>, OTHR.01 <dbl>, MIXD.01 <dbl>

Those counts can be tallied up into the pseudo-OAs:

read_csv("") |>
  left_join(read_csv("OA01CD_to_OAXXCD.csv") |> select(OA01CD, OAXXCD), by = "OA01CD") |>
  group_by(OAXXCD) |>
  summarise(across(where(is.numeric), sum)) -> census.01

# A tibble: 174,363 × 15
   OAXXCD    Persons.01 WBRI.01 WIRI.01 WOTH.01 INDN.01 PKST.01 BANG.01 AOTH.01
   <chr>          <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 X0000001E        215     170       4      28      10       0       0       0
 2 X0000002E        270     181       6      49      11       3       0       0
 3 X0000003E        207     166       0      23       8       0       3       0
 4 X0000004E        499     411      14      49       7       0       0       3
 5 X0000005E        234     175       9      24      16       0       0       0
 6 X0000006E        168      91       9      42       3       0       0       0
 7 X0000007E        213     143      16      39       0       3       0       3
 8 X0000008E        134     106       4       9       0       0       0       3
 9 X0000009E        255     161      14      31      12       3       0       0
10 X0000010E        393     278      25      43      11       0       3       3
# … with 174,353 more rows, and 6 more variables: BCAR.01 <dbl>, BAFR.01 <dbl>,
#   BOTH.01 <dbl>, CHNE.01 <dbl>, OTHR.01 <dbl>, MIXD.01 <dbl>

The same process can be applied to the 2021 Census counts.

read_csv("") |>
  left_join(read_csv("OA21CD_to_OAXXCD.csv") |> select(OA21CD, OAXXCD), by = "OA21CD") |>
  group_by(OAXXCD) |>
  summarise(across(where(is.numeric), sum)) -> census.21

# A tibble: 174,363 × 15
   OAXXCD    Persons.21 WBRI.21 WIRI.21 WOTH.21 INDN.21 PKST.21 BANG.21 AOTH.21
   <chr>          <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 X0000001E        176     112       0      43       0       1       0       0
 2 X0000002E        279      83       9      90      22       0       4       7
 3 X0000003E        255     174       0      35      11       0       0       7
 4 X0000004E        507     326      18     101      11       1       0      11
 5 X0000005E        112      65       0      20       4       0       0       5
 6 X0000006E        144      62       4      40       1       0       0       7
 7 X0000007E        348     126       5     109      40       7       1       4
 8 X0000008E        175      83       0      37       3       0       1       3
 9 X0000009E        503     297      13     115      13       0       0       8
10 X0000010E        255     128       6      54       3       1       2       9
# … with 174,353 more rows, and 6 more variables: BCAR.21 <dbl>, BAFR.21 <dbl>,
#   BOTH.21 <dbl>, CHNE.21 <dbl>, OTHR.21 <dbl>, MIXD.21 <dbl>

Because the geography is consistent across the censuses, it is possible to calculate change. For example, to calculate and to map the percentage change in the White British population in London’s neighbourhoods from 2001 to 2011:

map |>
  filter(RGN21NM == "London") |>
  inner_join(census.01 |>
    select(OAXXCD, WBRI.01),
    by = "OAXXCD") |>
  inner_join(census.21 |>
             select(OAXXCD, WBRI.21),
             by = "OAXXCD") |>
  mutate(PCTCHG = (WBRI.21 - WBRI.01) / WBRI.01 * 100) |>
    mutate(PCTCHG = sign(PCTCHG) * sqrt(abs(PCTCHG))) |>
    ggplot() +
    geom_sf(aes(fill = PCTCHG), col = "transparent") +
    scale_fill_gradient2("Sq root of PCTCHG", low = "dark blue",
                         mid = "white",
                         high = "dark red", midpoint = 0) +
    ggtitle("Percentage change in White British population, 2001-11") +